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AJAX error: ' + text); } }); return false; } }); } }, sendForm: function () { var instance = this, forms = $('.send-form'), emailValidationRegex = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; if (forms.length) { $.each(forms, function (form_index, form) { form = $(form); form.find('input, textarea').not('[type="radio"]').focusout(function () { var self = $(this), required = self.attr('required') ? true : false; if (self.attr('type') == 'email') { if ((required && self.val() === '') || (self.val() && !emailValidationRegex.test(self.val()))) { self.parent().addClass('has-error'); } } else { if (required && self.val() === '') { self.parent().addClass('has-error'); } } }).focusin(function () { $(this).parent().removeClass('has-error'); }); form.find('input[type="radio"]').on('change', function () { var self = $(this), required = self.attr('required') ? true : false; if (required && self.val() === '') { self.parent().addClass('has-error'); } }); form.find('select').on('change', function () { var self = $(this), required = self.attr('required') ? true : false; self.parent().removeClass('has-error'); if (required && self.val() === '') { self.parent().addClass('has-error'); } }); form.on('submit', function () { var hasErrors = false, form = $(this); $.each(form.find('input, textarea').not('[type="radio"]'), function (index, input) { var self = $(input), required = self.attr('required') ? true : false; if (self.attr('type') == 'email') { if ((required && self.val() === '') || (self.val() && !emailValidationRegex.test(self.val()))) { hasErrors = true; self.parent().addClass('has-error'); } } else { if (required && self.val() === '') { hasErrors = true; self.parent().addClass('has-error'); } } }); $.each(form.find('select'), function (index, input) { var self = $(input), required = self.attr('required') ? true : false; if (required && self.val() === '') { hasErrors = true; self.parent().addClass('has-error'); } }); $.each(form.find('input[type="radio"]'), function (index, input) { var self = $(input), required = self.attr('required') ? true : false; if (required && self.val() === '') { hasErrors = true; self.parent().addClass('has-error'); } }); var inputs_data = {}; $.each(form.find('input, textarea, select'), function (index, input) { input = $(input); if (input.attr('name')) { inputs_data[input.attr('name')] = { required: input.attr('required'), value: input.val(), type: input.attr('type') }; } }); if (!hasErrors) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: form.attr('action'), data: inputs_data, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (answer) { console.log(answer); if ((typeof answer.status != 'undefined') && (answer.status == 'ok')) { form[0].reset(); $('.noty-success').show().addClass('scale'); instance.notyOut(); } else { alert('Message was not sent. Server-side error!'); } }).fail(function () { form[0].reset(); $('.noty-success').show().addClass('scale'); instance.notyOut(); }); } return false; }); }); } }, notyOut: function () { var instance = this; setTimeout(function () { $('.noty-success').fadeOut(instance.options.speedAnimation, function () { $(this).removeClass('scale has-error'); }); }, instance.options.speedAnimation * 10); }, rez: function () { var instance = this, footer = $('body > footer'), winHeight = $win.height(), hh = instance.header.outerHeight(true) || 0, fh = footer.outerHeight(true) || 0; instance.wrapper.css('minHeight', winHeight - hh - fh); if (instance.body.hasClass('home')) { $('.topfwd-slider').css('marginTop', -hh); } if (instance.catalogBar.length > 0) { setTimeout(function () { instance.catalogBar.css('minHeight', $('.products').height()); }, 200); } if (!onMobile && $('.lavalamp-object').length > 0) { instance.navCategory.lavalamp('update'); } instance.fMiddle(); instance.megaMenu(); }, scrll: function () { var instance = this; if ($win.scrollTop() > 130) { $('.sidemenu-toggle').css('top', 130); $('.vertical-menu .sidemenu-toggle').css('top', 50); } else { $('.sidemenu-toggle').css('top', 340); $('.vertical-menu .sidemenu-toggle, .archive .sidemenu-toggle, .single .sidemenu-toggle').css('top', 290); } if ($win.scrollTop() > instance.options.scrollTopButtonOffset) { instance.scrTop.addClass('vis'); } else { instance.scrTop.removeClass('vis').removeAttr('style'); } instance.countUp(); }, scrollbarWidth: function () { var a, b, c; if (c === undefined) { a = $('
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